Thursday, 3 December 2015

What is Kindness?

Assalamu Alaikum. At my school there's this thing going on about kindness and appreciation. It's kind of like a mini event that goes on that people don't bother to mention. During lunch, I passed by a table in the hall occupied by a few students, who offered me a chocolate kiss if I answered one of the questions from the given list. Some of those questions were "What is kindness?", "What is appreciation?", "Who is your role model?", "What makes you happy?", and "Describe a time when you felt accepted". The chocolate didn't motivate me, I was just happy to give my input and to know that this colourful piece of paper was going up on the bill board, for others to read. I decided to answer the question, "What is kindness?" with a response that sounded something like this: "Kindness is being full of mercy and doing nice things for others". One of my classes also asked us to answer one of the question as well, so I picked "Describe a time when you felt accepted". I wrote something like this: "I felt accepted when people talked to me like they've already known me for a long time. When we talk, it feels like race, gender, religion, and social status do not exist". I love passing by that board in the hall, because some answers are uplifting and some, funny. Some of the role models mentioned are "Batman", "Spiderman", a friends name or some other person I do not know about. For things that make you happy, one of the answers was "Netflix". Lol, but kind of sad at the same time. I loved doing this exercise. I think it's something all schools should offer. To wrap up, I just wanted to share a picture quote about kindness. Thanks for reading! Don't forget to let me know you're still alive and well, ok?

Sincerely, Nur

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